Monday, September 6, 2010


Today I have some spoilers for you guys...or should i say stardollians?

These are from Beauty and the Beast~ The disney classic movie
It looks like these might be part of the a new store in the US or UK, but i hope at least one will be free:)

I hope you enjoyed this post, and im begging you to comment and follow!


  1. you have no rights to take the picture from SMW blog a.k.a Stardoll's Most Wanted Blog. And u even copied the photos from the TSI blog.

  2. She probably just forgot to give credits. Cut her some slack, most blogs have those same pictures. Go over to them and complain. ;)

    I really hope they're free too! It's really cool that all of the sudden Stardoll is making all of these new stores. Too bad they're not all free or available to everyone. :)
